Extraction of cell-free DNA .
The MagSi-cfDNA kit is intended for the (automated) purification of circulating cell-free DNA from human plasma or serum samples. The processing time for the preparation of 24 samples is about 60 minutes.
The kit does not require phenol/chloroform extraction or alcohol precipitation and eliminates the need for repeated centrifugation, vacuum filtration, or column separation. It enables safe handling of potentially infectious samples. The cfDNA obtained can be used directly for downstream applications such as qPCR or any type of enzymatic reaction.
Hard Facts .
- Use with fresh/frozen plasma or serum samples
- Compatible with many stabilization chemistries (Streck Cell-Free DNA BCT, EDTA, citrate, etc.)
- Scalable (1 to 4 ml plasma; up to 10 ml possible)
- Yield: 0.5 to 4 ng cfDNA per ml human plasma
- No carrier RNA required
- Suitable for many downstream applications (e.g. RT-qPCR, sequencing)
- Processing time for 24 samples: ~60 min
- No additional alcohols required
- Optimized for (automatic) use on PurePrep 24
Packages .
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