DNA isolation from FFPE tissue .
The MagSi-DNA FFPE Kit is optimized for manual and automated isolation of genomic DNA from human and other mammalian FFPE tissue or cell samples. The processing time for 96 samples after kerosene removal and lysis is approximately 40 minutes.
The kit does not require phenol/chloroform extraction or alcohol precipitation and does not require centrifugation, vacuum filtration, or column separation either. The product is designed to avoid cross-contamination between samples to the greatest extent possible and to safely handle potentially infectious samples. The DNA obtained can be used directly in applications such as PCR, NGS or enzymatic reactions.
Hard Facts .
- Short and simple protocols, 96 samples in 40 minutes
- No centrifugation, vacuum filtration or column purification required
- Consistently high yield and purity of genomic DNA
- Easy to automate
- Several options for dewaxing
- Depending on the sample material, RNA can be purified as well
- PurePrep/ KingFisherTM/ BioSprint 96/ MagMaxTM protocols available
- Can be used on most common general liquid handling robots (e.g. Hamilton®, TECAN®)
Packages .
We offer the MagSi-DNA FFPE Kit in different packages:
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