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Steinbrenner Laborsysteme GmbH

In der Au 17, 69257 Wiesenbach

+49 (0) 6223 / 96730-0


Sample Kits for Intestinal Metabolome Analysis .

Metabolome refers to the totality of metabolites in a functional unit or organ, such as the intestine.

The metabolites in stool samples basically represent the biochemical processes occurring in the intestine. It is quite likely that the signatures from metabolome profiles are closely related to human health, well-being and also pathological processes.

OMNImet®-GUT (ME-200) is a kit for the easy collection of fecal samples for metabolome studies. The samples are instantly homogenized and stabilized such that they can be stored at room temperature.

Hard Facts .


Applications .

Accordion Content

Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) are key mediators of microbial activity in the gut. They play an important role in regulating the immune system, maintaining the epithelial barrier of the gut, and preventing diseases such as metabolic syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, and certain types of cancer.

De Bruin, O. M., Freinkman, E., Breton, H., Evans, A. M., Miller, L. A. D., Nguyen, U., Adam, K.-P., & Doukhanine, E. (2020). OMNImetTM-GUTenables at-home collection and ambient temperature transport of fecal samples for metabolomics. DNA Genotek

Metabolites play an important role in the communication and dynamics between the gut microbiome and the host. Metabolomics is therefore a particularly powerful tool for analyzing and elucidating the functions of the gut microbiome in diseases such as obesity, insulin resistance, heart disease, and Parkinson’s disease.

The OMNImet™-GUT ME-200 kit provides a solution to stabilize metabolome profiles without interfering with subsequent analyses on LC/MS platforms.

De Bruin, O. M., Freinkman, E., Breton, H., Evans, A. M., Miller, L. A. D., Nguyen, U., Adam, K.-P., & Doukhanine, E. (2020). OMNImetTM-GUTenables at-home collection and ambient temperature transport of fecal samples for metabolomics. DNA Genotek

OMNImet GUT ME-200 .

Product overview .


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