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Steinbrenner Laborsysteme GmbH

In der Au 17, 69257 Wiesenbach

+49 (0) 6223 / 96730-0

Logo primaQUANT 1STEP

RT-qPCR with SYBR®Green .

Our primaQUANT 1-STEP RT-qPCR Master Mix with SYBR® Green combines cDNA synthesis with quantitative PCR. All enzymes for both reverse transcription and qPCR are included in the Master Mix, including dNTPs and MgCl₂

Start your qPCR directly with RNA – no separate cDNA synthesis necessary.

All you have to do is add primers, probes and template RNA. The optimized buffer system guarantees fast kinetics and targeted amplification even with difficult templates.

Hard Facts .

SL 9561 5
RT-qPCR with RNA in one step - with primaQUANT 1-Step RT-qPCR Master Mix with SYBR Green

Applications .

The primaQUANT 1 STEP RT-qPCR Master Mix is ideally suited for the gene expression analysis. The perfectly matched combination of reverse transcriptase and qPCR in this Master Mix allows you to quickly determine gene expression without separate cDNA synthesis.

The diagnosis of pathogenic RNA viruses by qPCR requires the transcription of pathogen RNA into cDNA. With the primaQUANT 1Step RT-qPCR Master Mix, you complete cDNA synthesis and qPCR analysis in one step. This makes high-throughput analysis and automation easy.

High Resultion Melting Curve Analysis (HRM) can be used to easily detect the smallest changes in the genome, such as SNP and mutations, using qPCR.

Matsuda, K. (2017). PCR-Based Detection Methods for Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism or Mutation: Real-Time PCR and Its Substantial Contribution Toward Technological Refinement. Advances in Clinical Chemistry, 80, 45-72.

Simko, I. (2016). High-Resolution DNA Melting Analysis in Plant Research. Trends in Plant Science, 21(6), 528-537.

Mohammad Rahimi, H., Pourhosseingholi, M. A., Yadegar, A., Mirjalali, H., & Zali, M. R. (2019). High-resolution melt curve analysis: A real-time based multipurpose approach for diagnosis and epidemiological investigations of parasitic infections. Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 67, 101364.

Features .

RT-qPCR in under 35 minutes .

In the primaQUANT 1STEP RT-qPCR Master Mixes, we combine optimized reverse transcriptases with an extremely fast DNA polymerase. Thus, a complete RT-qPCR (transcription of RNA into cDNA and subsequent qPCR) can be performed in less than 35 minutes, depending on the qPCR instrument.

This saves you valuable time and capacity, especially for diagnostics or larger numbers of samples.

Of course, you can also continue to use your previous RT-qPCR protocol.

1-Step RT-qPCR Master Mix with SYBR Green .

Available with ROX or without ROX – suitable for all qPCR instruments.

Downloads .


primaQUANT 1STEP – RT-qPCR Master Mixe – Flyer 1.64 MB


primaQUANT 1STEP SYBR®Green – SL-9561 – Manual 4.34 MB


primaQUANT 1STEP SYBR®Green – SL-9561R – Manual 4.34 MB

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Standard protocol


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Ultra-FAST protocol


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