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Steinbrenner Laborsysteme GmbH

In der Au 17, 69257 Wiesenbach

+49 (0) 6223 / 96730-0

Logo primaQUANT
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Quantitative PCR

Only the best for your qPCR.

Our primaQUANT Master Mixes for SYBR® Green- or probe-based qPCR guarantee reliable and reproducible results. They are characterized by high sensitivity, great robustness and excellent sensitivity. The detection limit is below 10 pg DNA.
The primaQUANT qPCR Master Mixes, like all our molecular biology reagents, are developed and produced entirely in Germany.

Many possibilities .

laboricon genotypisierung


laboricon rna mrna

RNA / miRNA expression

laboricon diagnostik


laboricon qualitaetskontrolle

Quality control

laboricon 1 step 2 step

1-Step and 2-Step

laboricon sonden sybrgreen

probes or SYBR® Green

laboricon hot start


laboricon easy to use


Features .

Excellent performance .

The primaQUANT ADVANCED qPCR Master Mixes with SYBR Green offer a wide dynamic range and excellent performance, even with low template quantities or targets with low expression.

primaQUANT Probe Advanced LDR

Robust quantification even at low Cq values at the detection limit.

Wide Dynamic Range with excellent efficiency.

No template inhibition for large amounts of input

Our qPCR product groups .

For most applications we can offer the right product – just ask us.

Logo primaQUANT CYBR Advanced neg new

qPCR (SYBR® Green)

Advanced Master Mixes with SYBR® Green for qPCR

Logo primaQUANT Probe Advanced neg new

qPCR (Probe)

Advanced Master Mixes for probe-based qPCR, e.g. Taqman®.

Logo primaQUANT CYBR neg

qPCR (SYBR® Green)

Master Mixes with SYBR® Green for qPCR

Logo primaQUANT Probe neg

qPCR (Probe)

Master Mixes for probe-based qPCR, e.g. Taqman®.

Logo primaQUANT 1STEP neg

1-Step RT-qPCR for probes

Master mixes for one-step RT-qPCR without separate rewrite of mRNA.

Logo primaQUANT 1STEP neg

1-Step RT-qPCR with SYBR® Green

Master mixes for one-step RT-qPCR without separate rewrite of mRNA.

Would you like more information or a demo?

Then please feel free to contact us.
We look forward to your call at +49 (0) 6223 96 73 00 or an email.

You want to transcribe RNA into cDNA ?


For the determination of RNA expression, detection of RNA viruses or RNA-seq, the (m)RNA to be detected must first be transcribed into cDNA.
With our primaREVERSE RT kit, you synthesize cDNA with high efficiency and in the shortest possible time for your downstream applications.

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