DNA and RNA Extraction Kits
Extraction & Purification.
Magnetic beads allow the recovery of DNA and RNA in high yield and purity. The method is simple, extremely fast and easily scalable.
Various functionalized beads and complete kits are available for the isolation of nucleic acids and proteins. In addition, various protocols are established for manual handling as well as for automated workflows.
Magnetize Your Workflow .
DNA extraction
RNA extraction
Virus RNA Isolation
PCR purification
NGS Library Prep
Can be automated
Magnetic Beads
Magnetic beads for DNA and RNA purification .
Overview DNA and RNA Extraction .
Blood, saliva and swabs
DNA extraction from blood, saliva and swabs
Tissue and cell culture
DNA extraction from cell culture and tissue
DNA extraction from plant tissue
Pathogen detection
DNA/RNA extraction of pathogens from various sample materials
DNA Extraction Beads
Beads for DNA isolation
Cell-free DNA
cfDNA isolation from plasma
Stool samples
Microbial DNA from stool
FFPE Samples
DNA/RNA extraction from FFPE samples
Size selection
PCR purification and size selection for NGS applications
Dye Terminator Removal
DT Removal from Sanger sequencing reactions.
Animal samples
DNA extraction from animal tissue
Magnetic Racks and Plates
Magnetic racks and 96- or 384-well racks