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Steinbrenner Laborsysteme GmbH

In der Au 17, 69257 Wiesenbach

+49 (0) 6223 / 96730-0


Urine sampling .

Colli-Pee®: An innovative solution for the standardized, non-invasive collection and preservation of first-void urine.

Urine collection with Colli-Pee is simple, convenient and accurate and superior to a normal urine cup.
The design of the Colli-Pee device allows immediate mixing of the sample with a urine preservative, which improves the stability of the urine sample.

Hard Facts .

Die Bestandteile eines Colli-Pee Kits zur Probenahme von Erststrahlurin
Die Bestandteile eines Colli-Pee Kits zur Probenahme von Erststrahlurin

Applications .

Accordion content

In order to use urine for clinical applications, pre-analytical variations (collection, transportation and storage) must be reduced to a minimum. Collection with a standard urine cup can be cumbersome, unhygienic and uncomfortable for the user.

These problems can be solved with Colli-Pee®, our product for standardized and volumetric urine collection, which enables immediate mixing with the preservative. Colli-Pee® variants make it easy to collect the first-void urine. First-void urine has been shown to be potentially suitable for screening and detecting the human papillomavirus (HPV), the main cause of cervical cancer. It has also proven to be potentially suitable for prostate cancer research.

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs): First-void urine is ideal for the detection of pathogens such as Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Mycoplasma genitalium and Trichomonas vaginalis. A study has shown that the Colli-Pee® device is a practical and convenient method for self-collection of urine at home for STI testing, with a high level of consistency with urine collection in the clinic.

Test for the human papillomavirus (HPV): First-void urine contains higher concentrations of HPV DNA, making it a non-invasive alternative for cervical screening. A study evaluating the Abbott RealTime High Risk HPV test on first stream urine collected with Colli-Pee® demonstrated its potential utility for HPV detection.

Biomarkers for bladder and prostate cancer: First-void urine can contain DNA, RNA and proteins that indicate urogenital cancers. The Colli-Pee® device enables non-invasive, self-administered and volumetric sampling of the first-void urine, which is valuable for liquid biopsy applications in oncology research.

Cervical cancer screening: The ability to collect first stream urine, which contains a higher concentration of HPV DNA, supports its use in cervical cancer screening programs, particularly for reaching underserved populations.

Endocrinology and fertility studies:First stream urine can be used to measure hormones such as hCG (pregnancy), testosterone, estrogen and progesterone. The standardized collection method of Colli-Pee® with or without stabilizing solution supports its potential use in hormonal tests.

Metabolic disorders and diabetes: The analysis of metabolites in first stream urine can help in the investigation of metabolic disorders. The design of the Colli-Pee® device ensures sample integrity, which is critical for accurate metabolite analysis.

Urinary tract infections (UTI): First-void urine contains higher concentrations of bacteria and immune markers that are relevant for UTI diagnostics. The Colli-Pee® kit enables standardized sampling, which is essential for reliable microbiological analysis.

Microbiome studies: Urine samples from primary urine provide insights into the vaginal and urinary microbiome. The non-invasive sampling method of the Colli-Pee® kit is advantageous for longitudinal microbiome studies.

Drug testing: First-void urine may contain higher concentrations of drugs and metabolites, making it useful for forensic and workplace drug testing. The standardized collection of the Colli-Pee® kit ensures a consistent sample volume and concentration, which is critical for accurate drug testing.

Congenital infections (e.g. CMV, Zika): First-void urine can help detect infections that may affect the outcome of the pregnancy. The Colli-Pee® kit offers non-invasive collection suitable for prenatal screening.

The Colli-Pee® kits in detail .

Die Colli-Pee® Kits .

Colli-Pee® ist ein patentiertes, preisgekröntes Urinsammelkit. Colli-Pee® ermöglicht die volumetrische und standardisierte Sammlung und Konservierung des Erststrahlurins.

Mit Colli-Pee® gesammelter Urin bietet im Vergleich zu einem herkömmlichen Urinbecher eine verbesserte diagnostische Genauigkeit und einen höheren Patientenkomfort. Das Kit ist für unterschiedliche Volumina (4 ml bis 40 ml) für verschiedene Anwendungszwecke erhältlich.

Colli-Pee Probennahmegefäß zur Sammlung von Urin/Erststrahlurin
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